When you need to request payment from another person’s insurance company, it is essential to get all the documents you need for your case. Unfortunately, you may not have the other driver’s insurance information in events like hit-and-run accidents. You may only have someone’s license plate number.
Can an insurance agent trace a policy based on license plate numbers? When filing a claim, you may need to use any means necessary to verify the auto insurance coverage and address any attempts by the insurance company to take advantage of drivers. At Pacific Liability Research, we can help victims with insurance policy recovery.
First, note that the car insurance agent can use a license plate to find information like the vehicle owner and any necessary information about your insurance claim.
However, the insurance agency may not share information about who the car was registered to, and you may have trouble accessing this information from your local DMV. We make it our business to help drivers like you obtain information for your insurance claims.
Remember that certain privacy laws may make it difficult to track down the other driver and get proof of their insurance. You may not have immediate access to things like insurance policy numbers, which are key to tracing an insurance claim.
Whether the other driver is in a new or old vehicle, we can help you file a records request that passes through all the proper channels. When the other party is difficult to find, our team can use our specialized tools and resources to get information, from a telephone number to the insurance company’s information. That way, you can get in touch with the right coverage provider.
If you’re seeking compensation and are struggling to find the liable party’s insurance policy information, you can seek help from local law enforcement. Police officers in your area may have been on the scene at the time, giving them information about your accident. That information should be in their report.
Additionally, your car accident attorney can collaborate with the police to access all the tools you need to identify the other driver. They can run the license plate through their system, determining who the car belongs to.
Once you know who is at fault, it will be that much easier to get compensation from their insurance company — either through negotiations or a lawsuit.
If you can’t access insurance policy information, you may have other options to trace the policy. For example, if the other driver fled the scene without providing their information, this is a hit-and-run. In these cases, you’ll have to call the police and provide as many details about the other driver as possible. Your personal auto insurance may cover hit-and-run incidents.
You may be able to seek information from your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to get information on any vehicle involved in your car accident. If you have a police report, this information may already be in your hands after a quick visit to your state’s DMV or MVC.
If you can’t find the other driver through any of the means mentioned above, review your policy to see if a hit-and-run accident is covered.
It can be difficult to work with insurance companies to identify a policy and ensure you receive fair compensation after an accident. Insurers may try to keep the information on file, from police reports to other information. In many situations, this can make it difficult for you to pursue compensation.
Make sure you have all the information about the coverage limits and types of covered losses to ensure you are not left footing the bill for an accident someone else caused. If you are struggling to get information about a policy number and other insurance information, contact Pacific Liability Research for help. Call or complete our online contact form to get started on your case today.